Tell Congress NO to HIV Prevention Funding Cuts!
Media reports indicate the Trump Administration is moving to imminently dismantle and defund the CDC Division of HIV Prevention. If these reports are correct, this move could devastate HIV prevention in the United States. There could be a resurgence of this preventable disease, with many people becoming unnecessarily sick, and millions of dollars in costs to taxpayers. This will negatively impact the local communities we serve here in North Texas.
Step 1: Urgent Calls to Congress
Please call your Senators and Representatives and tell them to do everything they can to stop these cuts. Find your elected officials by calling the US Capitol Switchboard:
202-224-3121 (U.S. Senate)
202-225-3121 (U.S. House)
Sample phone script:
My name is _________, I am one of your constituents. I live in _________ and my zip code is _________.
I have heard extremely worrying reports that the Trump Administration is planning to completely eliminate the CDC’s Division of HIV Prevention, potentially within the next 24 hours.
If the Trump Administration were to follow through on this it could destroy any chance we have to end the HIV epidemic in the US, dismantling critical prevention efforts and leading to an unnecessary resurgence of this preventable disease.
The work of the CDC Division of HIV Prevention is essential and it is not something that can be covered by state budgets or the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. If this funding is cut, the services it funds will not be replaced, meaning more people will contract HIV, more people will get sick, and more people will die.
I urge you to publicly condemn the proposed elimination of the CDC’s Division of HIV Prevention and to demand that the Trump Administration honor its past commitments to ending the HIV epidemic in the US.
Step 2: Send a Message to Your Senators and Representatives
Time is of the essence so calls are most effective. Follow up your call by sending a message to your members of Congress by entering your information below. Feel free to add your own thoughts to the message. We need all hands on deck to stop this dangerous move.
We need YOUR help to stop these devastating cuts to the CDC Division of HIV Prevention. Stand with us to say NO.
If reports are correct, these cuts could come imminently - as soon as today.
This move could undermine 40 years of work and lead to a resurgence in a preventable disease.
Make your voice heard today! If these reports are correct, this move could devastate HIV prevention in the United States. There could be a resurgence of this preventable disease, with many people becoming unnecessarily sick, and millions of dollars in costs to taxpayers.
Make your voice heard today! If these reports are correct, this move could devastate HIV prevention in the United States. There could be a resurgence of this preventable disease, with many people becoming unnecessarily sick, and millions of dollars in costs to taxpayers.
Call the Capitol switchboards and connect with your members of Congress:
202-224-3121 (Senate)
202-225-3121 (House)
Make your voice heard today! If these reports are correct, this move could devastate HIV prevention in the United States. There could be a resurgence of this preventable disease, with many people becoming unnecessarily sick, and millions of dollars in costs to taxpayers.